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Do you lose urine when you cough, sneeze, or jump?

Do you have urine loss associated with pregnancy or after childbirth?

Can't be away from the bathroom for long?

Do you have gas loss and/or stain your underwear?

Is your sexual relations affected by the presence of pain?

Do you feel a sensation of heaviness or a foreign body in the vagina? Does it happen to you that the symptom increases as the day goes by?




The pelvis is the space that is continuous with the abdominal cavity and contains the organs of the urinary system (bladder and urethra), genital or reproductive system (uterus, appendages and vagina in women), and digestive system at its most distal end (rectum and anus). These structures are supported and anchored in the pelvic floor.


Pelvic floor dysfunctions

The concept of pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a wide variety of clinical conditions that include urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, urinary tract emptying disorders, anorectal dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, and chronic pain syndromes, among others.



What is Pelviperineal Rehabilitation?

Pelvic floor rehabilitation is a set of treatment techniques that aim to improve or restore its functionality.

They can be divided into manual and instrumental techniques (biofeedback/electrostimulation), voluntary contraction exercises of the pelvic floor, abdominopelvic training techniques, postural re-education and behavioral changes, among others.


Who are qualified to carry out this rehabilitation?

Since the pelvic floor is made up of muscular and connective tissue, this practice should be performed by pelvic floor kinesiologists.


Do I need to see a doctor before starting treatment?

Yes, before starting treatment it is necessary to be evaluated by a specialist doctor. Once the patient is referred, an evaluation is carried out and then an appropriate treatment is planned.


Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions!!!

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