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Yourinary incontinence in women



Urinary incontinence in women is a condition with a high incidence in the population over 50 years of age. 


It is a problem that causes a decrease in the quality of life of those who suffer from it, and is associated with embarrassment, bad odors, constant use of dressings, and sometimes the need for permanent diapers. 


The affected woman does not usually consult the doctor for her problem, either because of modesty, shyness, or because she considers that her problem is normal due to her age. 


Finally, he gets used to it, in the false belief that there is nothing to do, and that his destiny is to live with urinary loss. Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. 


After a series of examinations and studies of low, medium or high complexity, depending on the case, the diagnosis is obtained. This diagnosis tells us the type of incontinence that causes the problem. It can be stress incontinence (SIO), or urge incontinence (IOU); sometimes, it is a mixed type incontinence (IOM). 


And the best conduct is decided for each particular case. 


Also, incontinence may be due to associated gynecological pathology, such as prolapse, for example. In these cases, the treatment is agreed jointly with the gynecologist. 


With the diagnosis of the type of incontinence, in mild cases, conservative management can be started, such as behavioral therapies (reduce fluid intake), pharmacological and/or kinesic (electro-stimulation, biofeedback). 


Today technology provides a new treatment for stress incontinence, with LASER therapy, with excellent results. Outpatient procedures, fast, effective, without hospitalization, which also correct and improve the vaginal walls, restoring sensitivity and lubrication. A treatment that in 2 to 4 sessions provides a non-surgical alternative to all women, with a "memento" session per year, in post-menopausal women.


In more severe cases, or that do not respond to conservative treatment, surgical treatment will be chosen.


Surgical treatment options to resolve Stress Urinary Incontinence associated or not with prolapse such as open colpo-suspension, or the mini-invasive technique such as the Sling in its different options are currently highly effective. It is worth clarifying that in the latter case the option is to preferably use collagen meshes, since those used up to now are under discussion about their use due to the rejections observed.


The use of intra-urethral occlusive substances, or prostheses in some cases, may also be indicated. On special occasions, treatment can be more complex, with bladder enlargement techniques, intra-detrusorial botulinum toxin injections, or the use of neuro-modulators of bladder contraction, among others. 


As is clear, the knowledge about Urinary Incontinence is extensive. Management and treatment currently yields good results. The woman who suffers from this problem should be aware of this, and approach to consult. This is the first step to solve a problem, usually hidden, suffered and carried like a burden.


Incontinence should not take away comfort at any stage of life. Nor should it impede a full social life. 

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